Anthology Course Evaluations - How do I request a CoursEval template modification? (Faculty & Staff)

Explains how to request modifications to a student evaluation of teaching survey template., eval, template, mod, modification, template modification, template change, change, eval change, eval modification
  • An established set of questions for face-to-face and for online courses are included in all SIUE Student Evaluations of Teaching (SETs):
  • Additional questions can be added before and/or after this core set (which remains in a block). 
  • ITS should have templates for modified SETs for any department that has submitted them previously. If a template is NOT being changed, please do NOT resend the existing template with requests to set up SETs for courses.
  • If a template is being revised, please send the new SET template (the survey) in a Word file, and highlight changes relative to prior versions in the document itself, as well as identify these changes in the email to ITS to best ensure the template is correctly revised. *If you have special requests, please contact the Eval Admin. via for assistance.

Anthology Course Evaluations, evaluations, online evaluation, instructor, tutorial, training, when, view, modify, questions, survey 
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Fred R. in Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville