Blackboard (Faculty) - Attendance: View Attendance in the Grade Center

This document provides an overview of how to view attendance in the grade center.
Before enabling the Attendance column in your grade center, please schedule a consult with an Instructional Designer to determine the best use of this tool. The Attendance column can only be deleted from a grade center if all attendance data has been removed. 
  1. Navigate to Grade Center > Full Grade Center. Look for the ATTENDANCE column.

  2. Scores are brought over from the Attendance tool. Scores cannot be modified in the Grade Center. Instead, they must be modified from Course Tools > Attendance.

  3. Attendance can be calculated just like any other grade column. You can add it to a category or change the Primary Display under the column settings.

Keywordsblackboard, black board, bb, attendance, grade center, view attendance, viewing attendance   Doc ID80672
OwnerCenter I.GroupSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
Created2018-03-07 10:16:55Updated2024-08-05 14:40:01
SitesSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
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