Blackboard (Faculty) - MBA Faculty: Importing Template Shells from Institution Content

This document provides an overview of downloading MBA template shells from the Institution Content area in Blackboard.

First, you want to download the template file from the Institution Content area in Blackboard.

  1. Log into Blackboard.
  2. Click on the Tools tab in the Base Navigation menu on the left side of the window. 
    Ultra Base Navigation menu

  3. Click on Content Collection.
    Ultra Base Navigation menu tools tab with content collection circled

  4. Under Content, click on Institution Content on the left side of the screen.

    Select Institutional Content

  5. Click on the SOB folder, and then click on the MBA folder.

  6. You will see many course template files for all of the online MBA courses.  Hover your mouse over the file to be downloaded until you see the circular, gray drop-down button appear to the right of the file name.

  7. Click that circular, gray drop-down button.

  8. Then choose Open from the drop-down menu.

    Download MBA export package

  9. After you click Open, you might see an option to save the file. If so, choose Save. Otherwise, your computer will automatically save the file in your Downloads folder.

    1. It is important at this point not to open or unzip the file. Always choose to Save the file, rather than unzip it. If you accidentally unzip it, you can always go back and save it again. 

    2. If you are working with the Safari browser on a Mac and run into trouble with this step, please see this troubleshooting guide.

With the file saved, you are now ready to import it into your new, blank course. 

  1. Go to your new, blank course in Blackboard. 

  2. From the course Control Panel, choose Packages and Utilities.

  3. Click on Import Package / View Logs

    package and utilities menu with import package/view logs circled in red

  4. Click on the Import Package button. 

    import package button circled in red

  5. In the "Select a Package" section, click the Browse My Computer button.

    browse my computer button circled in red

  6. Locate the zipped export file on your computer.

    1. It is most likely in your computer's Downloads folder.

    2. The file format looks like this: "". For example, "MBA-522-05072019".

  7. Once you have located the file, attach it by clicking Open in your computer's finder window (note: depending on your computer, the window may look slightly different than what is pictured below).  

    open dialog box with file selected and open button circled in red

  8. Now, back on your Blackboard screen, you should see the export file attached under the "Select a Package" section.

    Choose the MBA export zip file

  9. Finally, under the "Select Course Materials" section, make sure to click the Select All button. 

  10. This tells Blackboard that you want to bring over everything in the course package. This is the most commonly missed step.

    Selected file showing zip file selected. Note: you will see the file name on the screen when it is attached

  11. Click Submit at the bottom of the page to finish the import. Wait for your changes to appear in the class.
Please contact if you have any trouble importing your course template.

blackboard, black board, bb, MBA, SOB, mba template, institution content 
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