Making and answering phone calls with Microsoft Teams

This guide provides detailed instructions on using Microsoft Teams to answer incoming calls and make outgoing calls.

Answering Phone Calls

When you receive a call in Microsoft Teams, a notification will appear on your screen.

image of Teams incoming call box

You have three options:

  • Accept with audio image of Teams Audio answer icon to answer with audio only.
  • Accept with video image of Teams answer with video icon to answer the call with video enabled.
  • Decline call image of Teams decline call icon to decline the call.

Making Phone Calls

To make a call using Microsoft Teams:

  1. Navigate to the Calls tab on the left side of your Teams app.
    image of Teams dialpad with calls tab circled
  2. You have two options for making a call:
    1. Enter a phone number in the dial pad and click Call.
    2. For internal calls, type the name of the person you want to call. As you type, a drop-down menu will appear with potential contacts. You can select the desired contact from this list.
  3. For off-campus calls:
    1. After dialing the number, you will hear a tone.
    2. Click the dial pad button.
      images of teams call window with dialpad area circled
    3. Enter your campus call-out code.


Keywordsmicrosoft, teams, phone, call, number, callout, code, answer, decline, video, desktop, app   Doc ID141193
OwnerLiam W.GroupSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
Created2024-08-15 08:46:09Updated2024-08-15 15:18:40
SitesSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
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