Blackboard (Faculty) - Calendar: Edit or Delete a Calendar Event

This document provides an overview of how to edit or delete a calendar event.

Edit a Calendar Event

To move a Calendar event to a new date or time, click and hold your left mouse button down. Drag the event to the new date or time.

  1. To edit the Calendar event, click on the event. The Edit Event box will pop up. Make your edits.

  2. Click Save to return to the Calendar.

Delete a Calendar Event

  1. To delete the Calendar event in a course, click on the calendar event. The Edit Event box will pop up.

  2. Click the Delete link under Event Description.

    Delete Calendar event

  3. You will be asked "Do you want to delete...?" Click OK to continue. Click Cancel to preserve the event.

NOTE: Deleting a link is permanent. There is no way to recover a deleted Calendar event.

blackboard, black board, bb, calendar, calendars, calander, calender, dates, events, delete event, edit event 
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