Blackboard (Students) - Journals: Create a Journal Entry

This document provides an overview of how to create a journal entry.
  1. Navigate to the assigned journal. Remember you may see a list of journals, or your instructor may link you right to the journal in which you are to make an entry.

  2. Click the Create Journal Entry button.

    create journal entry

  3. Enter a title and entry message. Remember if copying a link, you will need to link the text from the toolbar. See the article Blackboard (Students) - Discussion Boards: Hyperlink Text in the Text Editor for further instructions.

  4. Use the Browse Local Files or Browse Content Collection buttons if you want to attach a file.

  5. Click the Post Entry button. (NOTE: While there is an option to Save Entry as Draft, it is recommended that you save your post in an external source such as a Word document.)

blackboard, black board, bb, Enter other keywords related to the article. Be sure to include plural words and synonyms. 
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