CoursEval - Who has access to my evaluation results? (Faculty & Staff)

Explains who has access to evaluation results.
Each instructor who was evaluated has access to responses for all questions concerning individual instructors and the course in which they were evaluated.  Department/program heads also have access to results for all courses and instructors in the home department.
Departments may grant access for results of select course evaluations to other individuals, at the approval of the department/program head.

More resources can be found on the CoursEval webpage here:

Keywordscourseval, evaluations, online evaluation, instructor, tutorial, training, access, who   Doc ID72080
OwnerFred R.GroupSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
Created2017-03-28 09:38:56Updated2024-01-25 10:46:54
SitesSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
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