Blackboard (Students) - Submitting a Program for Music Convocation Credit

This document provides an overview of how to upload an image file to the assignment submission for music convocation credit. Directions are included for how to submit from an Apple device, Android device, or a computer.

From an Apple Device

  1. Log in to

  2. Navigate to the Music Convocation Credits organization.

  3. The landing page is My Progress/My Grades. Check to see where you last submitted a program so you know where to submit the next one. They should be submitted in sequential order.

  4. Click the Submit Programs link the left side navigation.

  5. Click the link for the semester (i.e. Semester 1, Semester 2, etc.) 

  6. Click the link to the assignment (i.e. 1-1, 3-2, etc.)

    • If you are unsure which semester/assignment you need to submit, click the My Progress in the left side navigation and look to see where you last submitted. 

  7. Click Upload Files to expand the options. Then click the Browse Local Files button.

  8. Click the Take Photo or Video option, or if you've already taken the photo, click Photo Library.

    Screen capture of the an iOS device screen with Safari browser on the Blackboard submit assignment tab to attached a file
  9. Take the photo or select the one from the library. Make sure the filename is listed after it is selected.

  10. Click Submit to finish submitting the assignment.

From an Android Device

  1. Log in to through the Chrome browser.

  2. Navigate to the Music Convocation Credits organization.

  3. The landing page is My Progress/My Grades. Check to see where you last submitted a program so you know where to submit the next one. They should be submitted in sequential order.

  4. Click the Submit Programs link the left side navigation.

  5. Click the link for the semester (i.e. Semester 1, Semester 2, etc.) 

  6. Click the link to the assignment (i.e. 1-1, 3-2, etc.)
    • If you are unsure which semester/assignment you need to submit, click the My Progress in the left side navigation and look to see where you last submitted. 

  7. Click Upload Files to expand the options. Then click the Browse Local Files button.

  8. Click the Camera option, or if you've already taken the photo, click Camera or Files.

    screen shot of android upload options
  9. Take the photo or select the one from the files. Make sure the filename is listed after it is selected.

  10. Click Submit to finish submitting the assignment.

From a Computer

  1. Log in to through a web browser.

  2. Navigate to the Music Convocation Credits organization.

  3. The landing page is My Progress/My Grades. Check to see where you last submitted a program so you know where to submit the next one. They should be submitted in sequential order.

  4. Click the Submit Programs link the left side navigation.

  5. Click the link for the semester (i.e. Semester 1, Semester 2, etc.) 

  6. Click the link to the assignment (i.e. 1-1, 3-2, etc.)
    • If you are unsure which semester/assignment you need to submit, click the My Progress in the left side navigation and look to see where you last submitted. 

  7. Click Upload Files to expand the options. Then click the Browse Local Files button.
    NOTE: You will need to scan the program first and save the file as a JPG or PDF.  For information about scanning documents using your smart device, please review this Microsoft Office Apps article. 

  8. Navigate to the file location on your computer, select it, then click Open. Make sure the filename is listed after it is selected.

  9. Click Submit to finish submitting the assignment.

Keywordsblackboard, black board, bb, music, convocation, music convocation, program, upload image, upload, submit file, upload file,   Doc ID75980
OwnerCenter I.GroupSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
Created2017-08-23 16:00:55Updated2024-10-03 10:08:56
SitesSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
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