Blackboard (Faculty) - Known Issue: Web Folders and Blackboard Drive Not Working

Faculty can no longer log into Blackboard's Web Folders and Blackboard Drive.
Faculty can no longer log into Blackboard's Web Folders and Blackboard Drive. Blackboard is aware of this issue and has not yet offered a resolution. As a result, faculty are advised instead to use the file and folder upload option to send one or more files to Blackboard courses or the Content Collection. This article describes how to use the multi-file upload feature in the Content Collection. You can use this feature anywhere in Blackboard where you can attach documents, including inside of course folders. 

Keywordsblackboard, black board, bb, Blackboard Drive, Bb Drive, drive not working, cannot send files to Blackboard, blackboard content collection, known issue, blackboard known issue, web folder not working   Doc ID76572
OwnerCenter I.GroupSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
Created2017-09-15 09:48:51Updated2024-09-04 08:59:34
SitesSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
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