Blackboard (Students) - Discussion Boards: Best Practices for Posting

This document describes best practices for online discussions.
  1. Be mindful of course deadlines for original posts and replies.

  2. End every post by signing off with your name.

  3. When replying to classmates or instructors, address them by name.

  4. Make your subject lines meaningful and precise. For example, instead of saying, "My Thoughts" you might say, "Why Chapter 1 Convinced Me to Stay in School." This not only grabs the attention of your classmates and instructor, but it also helps them remember who said what.

  5. Re-read your draft before posting. Is your writing clear? Is it addressing the prompt?

  6. Always be respectful. When in doubt, follow these simple etiquette rules of online communication

  7. If you are replying to a specific statement someone made, use the "Quote" button. This lets other people see exactly what you are referring to and keeps the author's original words intact. 

  8. Remember, discussions aren't meant for everyone to simply agree with one another. If you don't agree, say so; but do your best to explain yourself without attacking someone's character. Instead, use reputable sources, like your textbook, to back up your claims. 

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