Blackboard (Faculty) - Respondus Monitor: Technical Support

This document provides an overview of how to access technical support from Respondus.
Respondus has technical support available for you and your students. ITS can help you set up the exam and enable Monitor, but we do not have access to their system to help you or your students with technical difficulties connecting or during the exam.
If Respondus Monitor is being utilized, 24/7 live chat is available at: If students experience issues with Respondus Monitor, they should be instructed to contact Respondus support first so the vendor's technicians can help resolve any issues in real-time.
See the Respondus Knowledge-base support articles if you run into issues:
If you cannot find a solution, you will have to submit a ticket with Respondus at  

Keywordsblackboard, black board, bb, monitor, record student during exam, exam recording, test, proctor, proctoring, identify, identification, troubleshoot, troubleshooting, technical, help,   Doc ID99010
OwnerCenter I.GroupSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
Created2020-03-17 14:17:00Updated2024-03-14 09:59:41
SitesSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
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