YuJa (All Users) - Basic Editing in YuJa

This article walks you through basic editing features in YuJa.
You may find the need to remove the beginning or end of your video, especially videos directly uploaded from Zoom. Removing extraneous video will allow students to jump immediately into your content.
  1. To edit a video, navigate to the thumbnail of that video. Hover your mouse over the thumbnail and click Edit from the menu.


  2. The Video Editor will open:

    Edit mode

    The tools that you will need to use are: 

    - Video Thumbnail - this is the playback version of your video. You should rely on this video display when you are editing rather than the smaller thumbnails in the Primary section in the timeline.
    - Play button - click the play button to play the video. Click the pause button (2 vertical lines) to pause the video.
    - Edit Mode - Click the scissors icon to enter the edit mode.
    - Zoom Controller - controls the length of the timeline you see on the screen. You may need to zoom into your timeline (+ button) if your video is longer than a minute or two.
    - Time Code Bar - this bar shows the time in minutes:seconds:fraction of seconds. This is the exact spot where the edit will begin or end.

  3. Play your video to where you want the edit to end. In this example, everything to the left of the Time Code Bar will be deleted. Everything to the right of the bar will be the beginning of the video.

    Edit video

  4. Click on Edit button (scissors icon). Hover your mouse over the Time Code bar and drag your mouse to the beginning of the video.  Note a gray shading will appear over the area you wish to edit out of the video. Click your mouse button at the beginning of the video.

    If this is not the edit you wish, hover your mouse over the gray section and click the X in the gray box.

    Grey bar

  5. Repeat the process if you wish to trim off the end of the video. But in this case, jump to near the end of the video. Play the video to where you want the video to end.

    Click the Edit button.

    Drag your mouse from the Time Code Bar to the end of the original video.

    mark the edit

  6. Click the Save button at the top of the window above the video thumbnail.

    Save button

  7. You may change the title of the video here. Note that "_edited" will appear after the tile. You may keep that or delete that.

    Confirm that "Update Index and Transcript with Caption Edits" is toggled to Yes.

    - Click on "Replace Existing Video" if you are satisfied with the edit.
    - Click on "Save as New Video" if you wish to keep the original copy intact. This option is recommended if you are new to editing and may wish to keep a copy of the original for safe keeping.
    - Click "Exit without Saving" if you wish to discard the edits.

    Save as new video

  8. You will be returned to your Media Library. If you have other edits or to view the video, navigate back to your video.

KeywordsYuJa, yuja, uja, youja, video, audio, streaming, cloud, edit, trim   Doc ID117478
OwnerCenter I.GroupSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
Created2022-03-21 15:35:59Updated2024-04-09 10:18:02
SitesSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
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