YuJa (All Users) - Accessing Videos Shared with Me

This article gives instructions on how to find videos that were shared with me.
A shared video is not a copy of the original, but a link to the original video. Be very careful when editing a shared video so as not to change the video. If the owner created a quiz on the video, that quiz is automatically shared with the video. If you wish to make changes and have the Edit option in the menu, make a copy of the video to your Media Library and make changes to that copy. The copied video will not include a quiz from the original video. 

Link in an Email

When a user shares a video with you, you will receive an email to your SIUE email account. Click on the link in the email to take you to the video. Note that the sender's name is not visible in the email. The email will come from "YuJa Enterprise Video Platform via YuJa." The email will be "noreplay@YuJa.com." Do not reply to this email as you will not get a response.

email notifying the sharing of a video

Access Video in the YuJa Media Library

  1. To access your shared video, go to https://siue.yuja.com and log in.

  2. From the menu on the left side of the Media Library, select Shared With Me.

    share with me

  3. View Only - If you only see a play button in the menu, you have Read Only access. If you were expecting to be able to access other features, contact the original owner to change your access level.

    Read Access only video

  4. If the menu is missing the Delete button, you have Edit Access. You can make any changes, edits, linking, etc. that you can do with your own videos. You just cannot delete this one.

    Edit Access video

  5. Edit Caption Access - If the menu shows only Play and Edit, you have Edit Caption Access only. You can only make edits to captions. Similar to Edit Access, you cannot delete the video.

    Edit Caption Only Menu 

  6. If you have a full menu that includes the Delete button, you have Full Access. Take care not to delete this video as it will delete the video from the owner's library too.

    Full access video

Remove the Access to the Video

You may remove your shared access to the users video. Note: Once you remove your access, you cannot reverse that. The user will have to re-share the video with you for you to have access again.
Removing access can only be done on videos where you have Edit Access or Full Access. If you have Read Access or Caption Edit Access, you will need to contact the original owner to remove access.
  1. Hover your mouse over the video's thumbnail and click More in the menu.

    select more in the menu

  2. From the pop-up window, click on Actions from the menu. Then click Share Media.

    menu select Action then select Share Media

  3. To delete your access, click the "X" next to your name. Then click Save.

    Remove access by clicking on the X icon

KeywordsYuJa, yuja, uja, youja, video, audio, streaming, cloud, share, full access, edit, editing   Doc ID118010
OwnerCenter I.GroupSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
Created2022-04-15 11:58:34Updated2024-09-16 15:18:50
SitesSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
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