Blackboard (Faculty) - Export/Import: Import Course Materials

This document provides an overview of importing course materials from another course.

If you have not already done so, you must export your previous course materials and save the zip file to your computer. See "Export Course Materials" for instructions.

Import All or Select Links, Settings, and Tools from Your Old Course Shell

  1. From the Control Panel, in your new course, click on Packages and Utilities to expand the menu.

  2. Click on Import Package / View Logs.

  3. Click on the Import Package button.

  4. In the second section, Select a Package, click the Browse Local Files button to locate and select the "" file you downloaded from your previous course.

  5. In the third section Select Course Materials:

    To import everything, click the Select All button.

    If you have exported only certain sections, check the same boxes to import.

    If you are not sure which sections you exported, Select All. (You may receive an error if the section was not originally in the export, for example, a blog. This will not affect your import.)

  6. Click Submit at the bottom of the page.

    The import process may take a few minutes to import the package. When the package is ready, you will receive an email from the Blackboard Administrator.

    Once the process is complete, you will need to refresh the page to see the results of the completed import process.

Review Your Import

  1. Return to your content areas and check all the content, links, and settings. If it appears that nothing has come in with the import, you may have missed clicking select all in either your Export or your Import. Give the process at least 10 minutes before trying again.

  2. Delete duplicate copied course navigational items. See this KnowledgeBase article for how to add and delete links from the menu.

  3. If you use Due Dates, use the Date Management Tool to view and edit all dates in the course.

  4. Make the course shell available. View this KnowledgeBase article for instructions.

  5. Preview the course as a student. View this KnowledgeBase article on using student preview.

    Within Student Preview, you will see the course as a student sees it. Any adaptive release items will not be visible unless available. You will be able to take tests, post blogs, discussion postings, etc. Remember if using groups, you need to enroll the preview user in a group.

Keywordsblackboard, black board, bb, import, export, course materials, transfer, copy course, publish, unpublish, Bb FAQ   Doc ID53733
OwnerCenter I.GroupSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
Created2015-07-07 13:54:52Updated2024-04-17 14:31:57
SitesSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
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