OneDrive (All Users) - Upload a File to OneDrive

This document provides an overview of how to upload a file to OneDrive.

Upload the File

  1. Log into your OneDrive account at
  2. Click the My Content icon on the left side of the screen.
  3. Click the Cloud files icon, to the right of and below the previous My Content icon
    my content icon circled and cloud files circled
  4. At the top right of the screen, click the Go to OneDrive button.
    OneDrive button circled
    * Organization Tip - Do this before uploading files: Click New. Choose Folder. Click the title of the new folder and follow the rest of the steps to upload files there.
    new button and folder buton circled
  5. Click Upload.
    upload button circled
  6. Choose to upload Files or Folder.
  7. In the Browse popup window, locate the files or folder on your computer.
  8. Click Open. Your files/folder will begin to upload.
  9. A progress indicator at will appear in the upper-right portion of your OneDrive screen during the upload. It will disappear when finished.
    uploading files progress icon

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