Blackboard (Faculty) - Adaptive Release: Criteria

This document provides an overview of adaptive release based on date, membership, grade, and review status.

To access the basic adaptive release for a file, test, assignment, etc.,

  1. Click on the drop-down menu next to the title of the link.
  2. Click Adaptive Release.

Adaptive Release BB Menu

NOTE:  Each adaptive release criteria chosen will narrow down the students that have access to the link.

Date and Time

  1. Check the boxes to activate the availability.
  2. Set the date by clicking on the calendar icon. 
  3. Set the time by clicking on the clock icon.

Adaptive Release date time selection

NOTE: If the only adaptive release you wish to set is Date and Time, set that through the Edit option.

Important: If you have set the Date and Time restriction through the Edit option, the same date and time will appear in the Adaptive Release option. However, if you change the date and time restriction in the Adaptive Release option, it will not change the date and time in the Edit option. If you are planning to set other criteria, it is strongly recommended that you uncheck the Display After and Display Until boxes in the Edit option first, and set them in the Adaptive Release option.


Membership are the users that will have access to this link. You can set individual users or groups of users.

To set individual users, TYPE the users e-ID into the Username box. DO NOT CLICK THE BROWSE BUTTON. Even if the student is located through the browse button, it may not work. Separate each e-ID with a comma if wish to add more than one. (jdoe, jsmith, mmiller)

Add individual users

To select groups of users (you must have first created groups):

  1. Click the group or groups (hold down the Ctrl key, Command key on the Mac) and click the group names.
  2. Click the right arrow between the box to move the groups from the "Items to Select" to the "Selected Items" box.

Add group users


Content will be available to all users designated in the above criteria until a Grade criterion is created. "Select a Grade Center Column" should remain on None unless the following scenarios are needed:

Scenario #1: Release this content to students based on a grade from a previous assessment. For example, if you wish students to have additional study materials if they scored lower than 70% on a quiz, you would select the Grade Center Column for the quiz. The percent would be "Less than or equal to"  "70."

Graded Adaptive release

Scenario #2: You wish students to receive an answer key to a quiz after they have take the quiz. The "Select a Grade Center Column" will be the quiz that they take. "Select Condition" would be "User has at least one attempt for this item.

Select grade criteria


The Review option will allow a student to mark a file as "Reviewed." This adaptive release will open this link when the Review item is selected. 
For example, if you wish the students to view a rubric before they upload an assignment, this Review Adaptive release would be added to the assignment. Students then would have to click "Reviewed" on the Rubric before the Assignment link will open. Note: Clicking the "Reviewed" button does not guarantee that the students actually read the file.

  1. On the Assignment link, click the Browse button.
  2. Select the file to be reviewed. In this case it would be the Rubric file.

Review adaptive release

Students will see the following:

When students click on the "Mark Reviewed" button...
Mark item reviewed

...the Final Project link will appear.
See final paper link

Keywordsblackboard, black board, bb, adaptive release, time, date, groups, membership   Doc ID55821
OwnerCenter I.GroupSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
Created2015-09-01 12:00:52Updated2024-09-09 13:25:10
SitesSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
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