PowerPoint (All Users) - Reduce the Size of Your PowerPoint File

This document provides an overview of how to reduce the size of a PowerPoint file.

A large PowerPoint file will make it difficult to email, download and view. The most common cause of large files is the quantity and size of the images in the PowerPoint. While you do not want to reduce the number of images in a presentation, you can delete cropped areas and reduce a high quality image to lower, but still acceptable quality.

  1. Open your PowerPoint presentation.

  2. Select any slide that has an image on it.

  3. Click on the image.

  4. Click on the Picture Format tab that has appeared above the Picture Styles tab in the ribbon.

    picture format

  5. Click the Compress Pictures icon in the Adjust section of the ribbon.

    Compress pictures

  6. In Compress options area:
    Uncheck the box "Apply only to this picture." By unchecking this box, all images will be changed and this process needs only to be done once.
    Keep the box "Delete cropped areas of pictures." This option will delete any parts of the images you are not using, and in turn, reducing the size of the file even more.

  7. In Resolution area:
    Select the radio button for "Use default Resolution." This will keep the quality of the images. If you select the radio button for "E-mail" the images may lose some quality and be fuzzy or blurry.

    compress picture

  8. Click the OK button to finish.

Note: Blackboard has a limited storage space of 2GB. Multiple large files will exceed the quota quickly. If your file is still over 50MG, consider storing larger files in OneDrive. Upload the file to OneDrive and copy the link. Instructions: https://kb.siue.edu/61722. Then create the web link in Blackboard. (Instructions: https://kb.siue.edu/61722).

KeywordsPowerPoint, power, point, powerpoint, ppt, pictures, images, picture, image, large, can't email   Doc ID64506
OwnerCenter I.GroupSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
Created2016-06-28 08:53:40Updated2024-08-01 10:17:12
SitesSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
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