Blackboard (Faculty) - Journals: Grade A Journal

This document provides an overview of how to grade a journal.
  1. If you haven't already designated a journal to be graded, see the knowledge base article "Edit a Journal" to access the journal.
  2. Go to the Grade Settings section.
  3. Click the "Grade" radio button and add points possible for the entire journal. You cannot grade individual journal entries, only the journal as a whole piece.
  4. Add a rubric if desired. See the knowledge base article for "Rubrics" for instructions.
  5. These steps can be completed even if students have added journal entries.

Grade A Journal

  1. To grade a journal entry, go to the Control Panel, click on Course Tools, then click on Journals
  2. Click on the journal's title.
  3. Under "Journal Details,' click on the small arrow below your name to expand the menu.

    Click on arrow to expand menu

  4. Locate the student's journal and click on the student's name.

    click on student's name

  5. Add points in the "Grade" box.
  6. Give feedback to the students about the overall journal.
  7. Click Submit at the bottom of the box.

    Grade a journal, and add feedback

  8. The grade will appear in the Grade Center.

blackboard, black board, bb, journal, journals, journaling, comments, reflections, reflection, grade, grading 
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