Blackboard (Students) - Self-Proctoring Online Exam Using YuJa

This document provides an overview of using YuJa to self-proctor an exam.

Prior to the Exam

  1. Schedule the exam with the instructor in advance or look to your syllabus or course for the scheduled days(s)/time(s).

  2. Your exam will be located in Blackboard.
    1. The exam may be set up with a variety of options (e.g. time limits, no-backtracking, auto-submitper the instructor’s preferences. 
    2. You are expected to follow all guidance in taking the exam provided by the instructor.
    3. If applicable, a password may be provided to you before the exam is open. 

  3. Sign in to YuJa if you have never logged in before. Select SIUE Single-Sign-On in the top right corner of the page.

You need to ensure that YuJa is set up before the scheduled exam time and that you are comfortable with the steps outlined below.  

During the Exam

Taking the exam follow this sequence of activities: 

  1. Choose one of the methods below for capturing your video with YuJa. Start a new YuJa Capture Recording session.

Click the plus sign below to expand the menus for directions.

YuJa (All Users) - Recording Using the YuJa Software Capture Tool (PC)

  1. Log into YuJa at

  2. Click on Create Recording at the top of the page.

    Record Media button

  3. Confirm the drop down menu is "Record from your Windows PC or Mac." Click on the Start button.

    Start button

  4. If the system prompts you to "Open YuJa Software Capture", check the box "Always allow...." This will eliminate this box and automatically open the YuJa Software Capture tool in the future.

    Then click Open YuJa Software Capture button.

    Open YuJa Software Capture buton

Software Capture Settings

  1. The YuJa Software Capture window opens.

    yuja capture window

  2. YuJa will notifiy you if updates are needed.

    Follow these instructions for more details: Updating to the Latest Version of the YuJa Software Capture for PC Application.


Click on any of the drop-down arrows to expand the menu for the item.

1. Video: inputs such as web cams, document cams, etc.

2. Audio: inputs microphone

3. Screen: software on your computer, such as PowerPoint

4. Live stream: we currently do not subscribe to this option

5. Profile: you can change your settings and save as a Profile.

More information about these inputs below.

Main Window

record menu
6. Add a custom video title such as "Lecture Week 5"

7. Share to a media channel (SIUE does not utilize the media channels).

8. Select a folder in your Media Library to indicate where the video will be saved

9. Settings for recording, configuration, sources, watch point, and advanced settings.
10. YuJa Help
11. Check for Updates
12. Log out of YuJa
13. Video source such as web cam or document camera
14. Screen Sources such as browser or PowerPoint.
NOTE: If you are using a Smart Classroom and wish to have other inputs displayed, such as a document camera, or wish to know how YuJa works with your podium, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 650-5500.

Menu Options


Click on the drop-down arrow next to Video. The first video source will default to your integrated webcam within your device. That may be changed to an external webcam or other video camera within your system. The Video Source 2 must be toggled on to work. This could be an additional front facing webcam to capture the classroom or another video source within your system. If you need assistance setting this up, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 650-5500. 

Video Source


The Mic Source will be the primary audio input such as a headset, microphone, or internal computer audio (use if playing an online video). The secondary source must be toggled on to use. This could be a second microphone (to capture class questions or internal computer audio). If you need assistance setting this up, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 650-5500. 
Audio sources


The Screen source is your primary computer screen display. If you have more than one monitor, click on Advance Settings and select Duo Displays. If you need assistance setting this up, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 650-5500. 
Screen sourse


If these are settings that you plan to use often, set a new profile, name it, and click the "Save" icon. Next time you record, click the Profile drop down list and select this profile.


  1. Once you have your video, audio, and screen settings saved, click the Start button. Remember, you will be able edit the video when you have finished, so don't worry about extra video at the beginning or end.

    Menu  start button

    YuJa will provide you with a 3 second countdown. Don't worry if you don't start right away. You can later trim off any extra video at the beginning or end.

  2. A small toolbar will appear on your screen. Click the "pause" button if you wish to pause the recording. When you click the pause button again, you will continue with the recording.

    Click the "Stop" icon when you are finished recording.

    record, pause button

  3. Click the "Save" button to begin the upload of your video to YuJa.

    Save or delete

  4. A status bar will appear on your screen. When the status reads 100%, return to YuJa for post-production editing/captioning/linking.

     complete status


YuJa (All Users) - Recording Using the YuJa Software Capture Tool (Mac)

  1. Log into YuJa at

  2. Click on Create Recording at the top of the page.
create recording on YuJa
3. Confirm the drop down menu is "Record from your Windows PC or Mac." Click on the Start button.
start recording
4. If you're using the YuJa Software Capture tool for the first time, you will need to select Download and follow these instructions:

Software Capture Settings

1. The YuJa Software Capture window opens.
yuja software capture screen
2. If the capture tool is working correctly, there should be a green box at the bottom of the screen that says Online.


Click on any of the drop-down arrows to expand the menu for the item.
capture menu items
1. Video: inputs such as web cams, document cams, etc.
2. Audio: inputs microphone
3. Screen: software on your computer, such as PowerPoint
4. Live stream: we currently do not subscribe to this option
5. Profile: you can change your settings and save as a Profile.
More information about these inputs below.

Main Window

main window items
6. Add a custom video title such as "BIOL 111 Welcome"
7. Share to a media channel
8. Select a folder in your Media Library to indicate where the video will be saved
9. Settings
10. The Help Center at
11. Video (web cam) output
12. Computer Screen output
NOTE: If you are using a Smart Classroom and wish to have other inputs displayed, such as a document camera, or wish to know how YuJa works with your podium, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 650-5500.

Menu Options


Click on the drop-down arrow next to Video. The first video source will default to your integrated webcam within your device. That may be changed to an external webcam or other video camera within your system. The Video Source 2 must be toggled on to work. This could be an additional front facing webcam to capture the classroom or another video source within your system. If you need assistance setting this up, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 650-5500. 
video options


The Mic Source will be the primary audio input such as a headset, microphone, or internal computer audio (use if playing an online video). The secondary source must be toggled on to use. This could be a second microphone to capture class questions or internal computer audio to capture video sound from your device. If you need assistance setting this up, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 650-5500. 
audio options
You will have to select YuJa Internal Audio for one of the mic sources if you plan to share your computer's sound in the recording. The first time you make that selection, you will be prompted to install the system audio recording package.
download sound thingy


The Screen source is your primary computer screen display. If you have more than one monitor, click on Advanced Settings and select Duo Displays. If you need assistance setting this up, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 650-5500. 
screen sharing options


If these are settings that you plan to use often, set a new profile, name it, and click the "Save" icon. Next time you record, click the Profile drop down list and select this profile.
profile settings


1. Once you have your video, audio, and screen settings saved, click the Start button. Remember, you will be able edit the video when you have finished, so don't worry about extra video at the beginning or end.

start recording

YuJa will provide you with a 3 second countdown. Don't worry if you don't start right away. You can later trim off any extra video at the beginning or end.
2. A small toolbar will appear on your screen. Click the "pause" button if you wish to pause the recording. When you click the pause button again, you will continue with the recording.

Click the "Stop" icon when you are finished recording.
recording toolbar

3. Click the "Save" button to begin the upload of your video to YuJa.
save recording
4. A status bar will appear on your screen. When the status reads 100%, return to your YuJa library for post-production editing, captioning, and linking.
upload status


 YuJa (All Users) - Record Video with YuJa Browser Capture Tool (PC and Mac)

The YuJa Browser Capture tool uses many of the same features as the Software Capture tool, but does not require downloading and installing a file. A situation may arise when this is necessary; for example, using a Chromebook, classroom computers, or public computers where installing files is prohibited.
Chrome is the recommended browser for the Browser Capture tool.
  1. From the Media Library, click on the Create Recording button.

    Create Recording

  2. Select Record with Browser Capture Studio in the drop down list.

    select Record with Browser Capture Studio in the drop down list

  3. Title the video and click the Start button.

    Title the video and click Start.

  4. A new browser window will open with the Browser Capture Studio. On the left are your Browser Capture Options. On the right are the video input thumbnails.

    Browser Capture Studio window

  5. Recording Options:
    Camera: Display only the default web cam in the record window. To change from one web cam to another, click the drop down below the camera icon under Video. The Audio will use the default input. Click on the drop down under the microphone icon to set a different mic.

    Screen Choose which browser window or which computer screen to record.

    : A window will pop up. Select the Window or Screen from the drop down menu. Check the box "Mute website notifications while sharing." This will mute the email or Teams "ding" while you are recording. 

    Click the Start Recording button when all options are set.

    Recording options

  6. Record the video. Once the video is complete, click the Record button.

    stop recording

  7. Once you have finished recording, a new window will pop up. Click the Preview button to preview your video. Click the Upload button to save the video to your YuJa Media Library. Click the Download button to save the video to your computer. Click the Discard button to delete the video.

    Upload or discard video
  8. Monitor the status bar for upload status.

    upload status bar

  9. If there is an error in uploading, click the Retry button to begin the upload again.


  10. When the upload is complete, close the Browser window to exit and return to the YuJa Media Library.
  • Make sure that your microphone is working and that both audio and video are recorded.
  • Make sure that the proper screen is selected to share in the source pane. Be sure to share your screen/desktop (time and date should be visible in the area recorded).

    Additional guidance for quality video and testing environment: 
    1. Review the KnowledgeBase article with Tips for Taking Tests, Quizzes, and Surveys.
    2. Choose a location where you will not be interrupted.
    3. Turn off all other devices (e.g. tablets, phones, second computers) and place them outside of your reach.
    4. Clear your area of all external materials not permitted - books, papers, and other devices.
    5. Before starting the test, know how much time is available for it, and that you've allotted sufficient time to complete it.
    6. Remain at your computer for the duration of the test.
    7. Avoid wearing baseball caps or hats with brims.
    8. Ensure your computer or tablet is on a firm surface. NOT areas where it is likely to move such as a lap or bed.
    9. Take the exam in a well-lit room and avoid back lighting, such as sitting with your back to a window.

  • Click the Start button to begin recording.
    Cancel and Start buttons in YuJa Capture

    Once started, the recording should not be stopped until the exam is completed and has been submitted.

  • Move the camera around the room to scan the testing environment (360 degrees) – include the desk, scratch paper, and the areas behind the computer. 
  • Open Blackboard and begin your exam. Note: You may need to enter the password provided to access the exam.

  • Submit the exam in Blackboard. 

  • Click the Stop Recording button.
    Pause and Stop buttons in YuJa Capture that appear in the bottom right hand corner of your screen

    The video will automatically upload to YuJa in your Manage Media library.

After the Exam

  1. You will need to share the link to the video with your instructor.
  2. Navigate to your video thumbnail. Hover your mouse over the thumbnail and click More in the menu.

YuJa (All Users) - Find and Share a Video Link

YuJa provides a URL (direct link) for each video.
  1. Navigate to your video thumbnail. Hover your mouse over the thumbnail and click More in the menu.

    Click more in menu

  2. Click on Links from the left menu.

    Click Links in menu

  3. Under the heading "Enable Auto Single-Sign-On for Embedded and Direct Linked Media" select the Enable radio button. This will allow students to view these videos within Blackboard. Click the Save Links button, but do not close the window.

    Click on the Copy icon next to the Direct Link. This will copy the URL to your clipboard on your computer.

    direct link\

  4. Paste the link in an email, Blackboard discussion post, or other text area. If pasting in a text area in Blackboard, see the instructions for how to hyperlink text to make it easier for others to access your video.

Technical support is not available to resolve problems you may have during the exam. Issues with your local internet connectivity cannot be resolved by SIUE ITS or your instructor. 

Keywordsblackboard, black board, bb, proctoring, YuJa, exam, test, self-proctor, self-proctoring, online exam, online   Doc ID106060
OwnerCenter I.GroupSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
Created2020-09-22 12:07:09Updated2024-02-06 15:01:49
SitesSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
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