Blackboard (Faculty) - Blogs: Add Grading to a Blog

This document provides an overview of how to add grading to a blog.

  1. As you create the blog, or edit it, scroll to Grade Settings. Select the radio button for "Grade : Points possible." This will apply to one or more entries in the blog. This will also automatically add a column to the Grade Center.

  2. To show that the post(s) need grading, check the "Show participants in "needs grading" status."

  3. Add the number of entries in which the "needs grading" icon (exclamation point) should appear in the Grade Center.

  4. Set a due date if the entries are to be completed by a certain date and time.

  5. Add a rubric. This is highly recommended so the expectations for the quality of the blog posts are presented.

Example: If participants must post twice to a blog for 10 points, enter 10 in the Grade : Points possible and check the Show participants in "needs grading" status and select 2 in the drop-down menu.

example of grade settings

Keywordsblackboard, black board, bb, blog, blogs, add grading to a blog, grade settings, grading a blog   Doc ID53581
OwnerCenter I.GroupSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
Created2015-07-02 11:50:58Updated2024-02-06 11:34:22
SitesSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
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