Blackboard (Faculty) - Content Area: Add a Learning Module

A learning module is a self-contained unit or lesson containing files, links, and tools pertaining to the lesson. Learning Modules can be set up to be viewed in any order, or in a forced sequential order. Any content that can be added to a folder can be added to a Learning Module. One of the benefits of the Learning Module is the Table of Contents, which allows students to navigate large amounts of information in an organized, sequential manner. This document describes how to add a learning module to a Blackboard course.

While the Learning Module is a tool in Blackboard, it is not the recommended method for delivering content to students. Use a content folder to house information. It is more accessible and user-friendly to students.

  1. From within the content area (Coursework, About this Course) or from within a folder (Week 1), click Build Content on the toolbar.

  2. Click Learning Module.

    create learning module

  3. Give the Learning Module a name. It can be by topic or by week, just as the naming of folders.

  4. In the text box, list the topics or unit objectives. This will identify what will be covered in this folder. Students can also easily find previous content when studying for an exam or working on a project.

    Add title and information

  5. In the Learning Module Options area, click the Yes radio button if you want the students to view the material in sequential order.
    Click the No radio button if you want the students to view the material in any order.

    screenshot of the sequential viewing setting

  6. Click the Yes radio button to show the Table of Contents. Click the No radio button to hide the Table of Contents.

    screenshot of the Table of Contents setting

  7. Click Submit at the bottom or the top of the page.

    screenshot of the learning module interface

    Students click on the title of the Learning Unit to access it.

    Table of Contents

    This is an example of a forced sequenced Learning Unit. The Lecture is the first item available to the students. The next item available is the video. Notice that the third and fourth link are not highlighted. Students cannot access the third link until they click on the second link, the video.

blackboard, black board, bb, course content, files, learning module, blackboard module, module 
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Southern Illinois University Edwardsville