Blackboard (Faculty) - Turnitin: Download Student Papers

This document provides an overview of how to download student papers in Turnitin

Downloading students' papers is a good practice, especially at the end of the semester, to preserve the grading record offline.

Access Turnitin Assignment Inbox

  1. Navigate to the Coursework area and folder where the assignment link resides.

  2. Click on the Turnitin Assignment link. The Assignment Inbox will open.

Download an Individual Paper

  1. Click on the three dots in the student's row. Then click on Download in the menu.


  2. You will be prompted to save the file to your computer. It is recommended that you save the file with the student's name or e-ID and assignment title.

    This will download only the original paper and not markup. Follow the next directions and only select one student if you wish to download a copy of the paper with the comments/markup.

Download Multiple Papers

  1. From the assignment inbox, if you only want select papers, check the boxes for the individual student's papers.

    Check boxes

  2. Click on the Download Selected button...

    download selected

    and select:
    • Original files - the original files (.docx) that the students uploaded. These will not have any grading markup or comments.
    • Standard PDFs - the student's papers in PDF form, without grading markup or comments. 
    • Grademark PDFs - the student's papers in PDF form with the grading markup and comments.
  3. If you wish to download all the papers, click on the Download All button...

    download all

and select:
  • Grade Report - an Excel file with all of the student's data in reference to their papers.
  • Submission List - a csv file of students and their submission status.
  • Original Files - the original files (.docx) that the students uploaded. These will not have any grading markup or comments.
  • Standard PDFs - the student's papers in PDF form, without grading markup or comments. 
  • GradeMark PDFs - the student's papers in PDF form with the grading markup and comments.
4. Save the files to your computer.

blackboard, black board, bb, turnitin, turn it in, papers, paper, assignment, assignments 
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Center I. in Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville