Blackboard (Faculty) - Turnitin Assignments: Create A PeerMark Assignment

This document provides an overview of how to create a PeerMark Assignment.
A PeerMark assignment allows students to review and evaluate another classmate's submission. Commenting can be set to be anonymous.
Note: You will create a PeerMark Assignment as you create the Original Turnitin Assignment. You do not have to create a Turnitin Assignment first.

Create a Turnitin and PeerMark Assignments

  1. Navigate to the content area in your Blackboard course where you want the assignment to be located (ex: Coursework > Module 1).

  2. Click Build Content and select Turnitin LTI 3.1 from the drop-down menu (if you do not see these options, make sure Edit Mode is turned on).

    Add turnitin link

  3. Fill in the title, instructions, grade, start date, due date, and Feedback Release date. For more information about the optional settings, see Create a Turnitin Assignment Knowledge Base article.

  4. Check the box for Enable PeerMark.

    peer mark check box

  5. Click Submit at the bottom of the page.

  6. Click on the Turnitin assignment link. You will be taken to the assignment inbox.

    assignment link

  7. Click on the PeerMark tab then select PeerMark Setup from the drop-down menu.

    PeerMark Setup

  8. From the PeerMark Assignment tab, the title of the paper will be filled in. Add any further instructions.

    peer mark tab

  9. Assign the maximum points available.

    Create the Review from and review until dates. Note that the Review from date must be after the due date of the original assignment.

    Set a Peer Feedback available from date.


  10. Click on Additional Settings

    1. Award maximum points on review - If you choose Yes, your students will receive the full point value for reviewing their peer's paper. If you select No, students will not receive points for review. 
    2. Students can view the names of their peers during review - selecting No will make this activity anonymous.
    3. Students without a Submission can review - select Yes if you want all students to review a paper.
    4. Automatically distribute papers for review - select how many papers you would like each student to review.
    5. Students can self-select papers for review - Select No if you want to system to select the papers, not the students.
    6. Students must review their own paper - Select Yes if the student will review their own paper or No if the student does not review their own paper.

    additional settings

  11. Click Save and Continue button.

  12. Click on the PeerMark Questions tab.

    PeerMark questions tab

  13. Click the Add Question button.

    add questions

  14. Add the question text.

    Select the type of question...

    Scale: Select size of scale 1-2 through 1-5.
    Set the lowest and highest numbers.
    Click Save.

    scale question

    Free Response - Students will type out their answer.
    Add a minimum answer length.
    Click Save.

    free form question

  15. Click on Distribution tab.

    distribut tab

  16. The system will randomly assign students. If you wish to pair specific students, click on the + sign next to the first student.

    pair students

  17. Click on the student's name to be paired with. Click Confirm at the bottom of the window.

    add student and confirm

  18. To remove the pairing, click the minus sign next to the student.

    remove pair

  19. Select the student to be removed and click Confirm.

    select student and cofirm

  20. Click Create PeerMark Assignment to complete the process.

    Create Peermark

Keywordsblackboard, black board, bb, Turnitin, turn it in, assignment, assignments, peer, peer review, paper, papers, group, groups.   Doc ID63214
OwnerCenter I.GroupSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
Created2016-05-06 13:16:17Updated2024-03-12 13:43:21
SitesSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
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