Blackboard (Students) - Groups: Access the Group Homepage

This document provides an overview of how to access groups.

Your instructor may have created groups for you to work with other students on a project, divide the students to cover a specific subject, or for smaller discussions. You can access the groups in 3 ways:

My Groups

Under the Course Navigation Menu, the My Groups section will identify which group or groups you are enrolled in. You may have more than one group so consult your syllabus or your instructor  to determine which group you need for your current assignment.

Click on the Group Name to access the Group Homepage.

Group discussion

The menu will expand. Click on the tool (e.g. Group Discussion Board) or click on the > arrow next to the group name to be taken to the group homepage.
Note: Your instructor will determine what tools you see. Your Group may have less tools than the image below. If you do not see a tool, contact your instructor.

Group discussion

In a Content Area (Coursework) or Folder

Your instructor may add a link to your group homepage within a Content Area such as Coursework, or within a Folder. Consult your syllabus or your instructor for the actual name for your group.

To access the group, click on the Content Area and/or folder. Identify the Group Homepage name and click on the name.

link for groups

Depending on how your instructor set up the link, you will be taken either to the Groups Page (list of groups in the course).


OR to the Group Homepage (actual work area for your group).

group homepage

Keywordsblackboard, black board, bb, group, groups, collaborate, collaboration,   Doc ID63471
OwnerCenter I.GroupSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
Created2016-05-18 09:20:22Updated2024-03-04 09:50:44
SitesSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
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