Blackboard (Faculty) - My Content: Share a File by Creating a Pass

This document provides an overview of how to share a file by creating a pass.

A Pass is a way to share a Blackboard file with someone outside of the University. 

Create the Pass

  1. Navigate to Blackboard's My Content page and locate the file to be shared.

  2. Hover your mouse over the file name and click the drop-down arrow.

  3. Click on Passes.

    Create Pass

  4. Click Create Pass button.

  5. Lifetime Pass:
    No expiration indicates that the user will the link to the file will always have access to the file.
    Lifetime of Pass: set the number of minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years that the user will have access to the file.

    lifetime pass

  6. Permissions: In the Permission drop-down box, select the level of read/write permission you want to allow.
    Read: user can only read the file
    Read / Write: user can read and make changes to the file
    Read / Write / Delete: user can read, make changes, and delete the file. Use caution with this option. If an outside user deletes your file, you will not be able to recover it.

  7. Click Submit at the top or bottom of the page.

Email the Pass

  1. To email the pass. click the check box to the left of the expiration date. Click the Email Pass button.

    Email pass

  2. Add the users email address and any addition message. Do not delete or change the link to the pass.

    Add email address

  3. Click Submit to send the email.

Keywordsblackboard, black board, bb, content collection, file, files, pass, share, course file, course files, blackboard file, blackboard files, share files, share file, my content   Doc ID64196
OwnerCenter I.GroupSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
Created2016-06-17 11:15:53Updated2024-09-13 11:30:14
SitesSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
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