Blackboard (Faculty) - Accessibility/Ally: Run the Course Accessibility Report

This document provides an overview of how to run the course accessibility report.

The course accessibility report acts as a complement to the existing accessibility indicators. It provides an accessibility summary and overview at the course level.

Run the Report

  1. Click Course Tools in the left navigation under Course Management.
  2. Click Accessibility Report.

Interpret the Report

  • The Overview tab shows the accessibility score for the course, course content grouped by content type, and a list of all issues identified in the course
  • The Content tab shows you the content with accessibility issues.


  • Red indicator Low (0-33%): Needs help! There are severe accessibility issues.
  • orange medium indicator Medium (34-66%): A little better. The file is somewhat accessible and needs improvement.
  • light green indicator High (67-99%): Almost there. The file is accessible but more improvements are possible.
  • dark green indicator Perfect (100%): Perfect! Ally didn't identify any accessibility issues but further improvements may still be possible.

Choose what to fix first

Use the report to help you decide what to fix first. For example, content with the most severe issues first or start with the content that's easiest to fix. Choose between Content with the easiest issues to fix and Fix low-scoring content. See how many pieces of content you'll be fixing. Click Start.

section of bb that shows you where to start

Click the file or the indicator to open the feedback window. Follow the instructions in this KnowledgeBase article for interpreting the accessibility score.

blackboard, black board, bb, ally, blackboard ally, report, course accessibility, course accessibility report, accessibility, run report 
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Southern Illinois University Edwardsville