Blackboard (Faculty) - Turnitin Assignments: Feedback Studio Tools

This document provides an overview of Feedback Studio tools. (Formerly GradeMark)

Feedback Studio incorporates the originality checker and the grading tools in one screen. When entering a student's paper, Feedback Studio will default to the Instructor Comment panel, located in blue on the right side of the screen. The red panel are the tools for the Originality checker. 


Instructor Feedback

Inline Comments

  1. To type directly on the paper, click anywhere on the paper. The Inline Comments icon will appear.

    Comment icons

    Quick Marks
    Quick Marks are commonly used comments.
    1. The "Check mark" icon allows you to add a QuickMark.
    2. Select the comment.

      click on comment

    3.  A window opens that allow you to add additional comments.

      add additional comments

    4. Click outside of the box to close the QuickMark box.

      The QuickMark icon is also the first icon in the Instructor Feedback tools.

      QuickMark icon

    The "Talk bubble" allow you to add a written comment to the page. This comment will be hidden behind the bubble.
    1. Click on the bubble. The comments window opens.


    2. Type in your comment.
    3. Click outside of the comment box to close.

    Inline Comments
    The "T" will allow you to write a text comment on the page and the comment will remain visible.
    1. Click on the "T." A text box opens.

      Inline icons

    2. Type in the text box.
    3. Click outside of the text box to close. The comment will remain visible.

Feedback Summary

The second icon in the Instructor Feedback panel is the Feedback Summary.  Within the Feedback Summary icon is the Voice comment and the Text Comment boxes.

Feedback summary

Click on the blue record circle to record up to 3 minutes of audio.

Click in the text box to leave a written summary of the feedback to the learner.


The third icon in the Instructor Feedback panel is the Rubric/Form.  The rubric scale allows you to grade the paper using the criteria set in the rubric.



The red panel is the Similarity layer. This replaces the Originality Checker.

Match Overview

The first icon in the Similarity panel is the Flags for Review.

This will check for hidden text. Students attempting to lengthen the word count in a paper will often add white text that can't be seen while reading the paper but will added to the word count.

This will also check for replaced characters. Students may try to replace an "a" with a Cyrillic letter "a" that looks similar but fools the algorithm within Turnitin from identifying direct quotes.

Flags for review icon

The second icon in the Similarity panel is the Match Overview.  This number indicate the percentage of materials matched to outside sources.  Note: This does not mean that the source has been plagiarized. This includes quotes, bibliography materials, and similar phrases as determined when setting up the Turnitin Assignment.

Click on the number to expand the panel.

simiarity match

All Sources

The next icon in the Similarity panel is the Match Overview.

All sources

Filters and Settings

The third icon in the Similarity panel is the Filters and Settings. This allows to to filter out Quotes and Bibliography without returning to the original assignment setting. Filtering out some of the sources will reduce the match percentage and allows you to concentrate on the paper. 

Filters and settings

Exclude Sources

The fourth icon in the Similarity panel is the Exclude Sources. This displays any sources that have been excluded in the search.

Exclude sources


The first gray icon is the Download icon. Here you can download:

  • Current view of the paper, including the markup and comments.
  • A PDF file of the Digital Receipt - which include when the paper was uploaded, student's name, file size character count and the Paper Submission ID. If you ever need to contact Turnitin due to a problem with this paper, you will need the Submission ID of the paper.
  • Originally Submitted File - the paper in its original format, Word Doc, PDF file, etc. with no markup.  


Submission Information

The second gray icon is the Submission Information.

submission information

Keywordsblackboard, black board, bb, Turnitin, Turn it in, Feedback, feeedback studio, Grademark, grademark, grade mark, grade, grading, grades, paper, papers, assignment, assignments, voice comments,   Doc ID62098
OwnerCenter I.GroupSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
Created2016-03-22 09:48:38Updated2024-10-07 08:43:58
SitesSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
Feedback  0   0