Blackboard (Faculty) - Assignments: View Students' Blackboard Assignment Submission Receipts

This document provides an overview of how to view a student's Blackboard assignment submission receipt.

You can access a student's submission receipt from a Blackboard assignment through the Grade Center.

  1. From the Control panel, click on Grade Center, then Full Grade Center.

  2. From the Reports drop-down menu, select Submission Receipts.

    Submission Receipts

  3. Search by Students Username, First Name, Last Name or Email. Or to show all students, in the "Contains" drop-down box, select Not Blank.

  4. The receipt shows the Confirmation number, Students name/Submitter, title of the assignment, date the assignment was submitted, file name, and size of the file. The receipt is not linked back to the assignment. To view the actual assignment file, go to the Assignment tool or the Grade Center. 

    Assignment receipt

blackboard, black board, bb, assign, assignment, assignments, submission, receipt, submit, receipts 
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Southern Illinois University Edwardsville