Blackboard (Faculty) - Respondus: Download Respondus

This document provides an overview of where to download Respondus.

Respondus Version 4.0 is a test and survey authoring tool that allows users to create or import tests. Respondus connects to Blackboard, allowing users to upload tests to one or multiple courses.
Respondus is only available for PCs. There is no Mac version at this time.

  1. Log into Blackboard at

  2. From the Institutional Page, scroll to the bottom and locate Faculty: Respondus box.

    Respondus General Information for downloading

  3. Scroll down to the "Download and Installation Information. " click on the Download Respondus Here link.

    download respondus here link

  4. The file you download is named "". Save it to your desktop. If the "Save As" box does not appear, the file has been automatically downloaded to your "Downloads" folder. 

  5. Locate the file on your desktop or Downloads folder. Double-click it to open the folder. Click on Extract all files.

    extract all files

  6. You will be asked to select a destination folder. This may default to your desktop or download. Make sure that the check box "Show extracted files when completed" is checked. Click the Extract button.

    select distination and extract

  7. Locate the Respondus4Campus.exe file in the folder. Double-click on the file to begin the installation process.

  8. Follow the instruction on the screen to install the program.

  9. The first time you open Respondus, it will ask for Institution Name, Local Support Contact, and Installation Password.

  10. Return to the "Faculty: Respondus" box on the Institutional Page in Blackboard for that information.

    campus wide license information

    Note: The password is only valid until July 31st of each year. As of August 1st each year, you will need to return to the Faculty: Respondus" box for the newest installation password.

  11. Enter the Institution name, Local support contact and current Installation Password in the appropriate boxes.

  12. Click License to continue.

    enter institutional name, local contact, and installation password

Remember: the password is only valid until June 30th of each year. As of July 1st each year, you will need to return to the Faculty: Respondus" box for the newest installation password. 

Keywordsblackboard, black board, bb, test, Respondus, import, import questions   Doc ID62184
OwnerCenter I.GroupSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
Created2016-03-24 10:34:29Updated2024-09-13 15:24:19
SitesSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
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