Course Preparation Outside of Blackboard

This document provides tips for preparing course materials outside of Blackboard. Specifically, it provides guidance for course preparation when either the faculty member (1) is not yet listed as the instructor of record and therefore cannot access the course within Blackboard, or (2) does not yet have an active SIUE e-ID.


Faculty can create assignment instructions, rubrics, and even accept paper/project submissions with OneDrive inside of the SIUE Microsoft Office 365 suite. Consider creating a OneDrive folder for each of your courses and further organizing materials with unit/weekly sub-folder folders. Populate each folder with content, which you can create directly within OneDrive or upload from your desktop. Then, share the main course folder with your students. This will give students access to content within each sub-folder. If you do not yet have an SIUE e-ID, you can access Microsoft Office 365 by signing up with a personal email address. See this article for tips on creating shared folders and files in OneDrive.

Alternatively, faculty can create assignment documents, instructions, and rubrics in a desktop version of Microsoft Office or another document creation software, and then send and accept assignments via email. Student grades should not be communicated via email, OneDrive, or any other cloud service, however. Grades should be kept in Blackboard, CougarNet, or stored securely on your computer's desktop (ex: password protected, logged off, behind locked door).

Tests and Quizzes

Tests and quizzes can be created in Microsoft Word or another word processor, and can later be imported into Blackboard using Respondus. Be sure to use these formatting guidelines as you prepare your assessment material to simplify the import process. Note: Respondus is only available on PCs.

Lecture Material

Faculty can also use YuJa to record videos (syllabus overviews, screen-sharing demonstrations, lectures, etc.). Log into YuJa at

Zoom can be used for live lectures or guest lectures. New faculty who have not yet established their e-ID can access Zoom's basic account at no cost here: Once an e-ID has been established, recorded Zoom lectures will be automatically uploaded to YuJa and can be shared with students via links or by embedding in Blackboard.


Faculty can retrieve student email addresses through CougarNet, or from the department chair. A course email list can be created in your mail client and used to communicate with students outside of Blackboard. See this article for creating a group contact list in Microsoft 365.

Keywordsblackboard, black board, bb, no e-ID, no eid, can't get into blackboard, prep course, course preparation, adjunct, lecturer, teaching contract, new faculty, no access to Blackboard, communicate with students when Blackboard is down, electronic course documents, course documents online, online course without blackboard, blackboard access,   Doc ID74926
OwnerCenter I.GroupSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
Created2017-07-28 11:38:05Updated2024-03-07 17:01:51
SitesSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
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