Results: 1-6 of 6

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
1YuJa (All Users) - Record a YuJa Video from PowerPoint1211102024-05-011370
2YuJa (All Users) - Record Video with YuJa Browser Capture Tool (PC and Mac)1178232024-04-086437
3YuJa (All Users) - Recording Using the YuJa Software Capture Tool (Mac)1178512024-04-087095
4YuJa (All Users) - Installing the YuJa Software Capture Tool (Mac)1175162024-04-051208
5YuJa (All Users) - Recording Using the YuJa Software Capture Tool (PC)1174692024-04-019255
6YuJa (Faculty): Record a Video with Zoom and Post it to Blackboard700962022-10-259597

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