Anthology Course Evaluations: About

Anthology Course Evaluations is a web-based software application that allows students to anonymously evaluate courses and instructors online, replacing the traditional paper bubble sheet end-of-semester evaluations.


  • Streamlined - all surveys are conducted and viewed online
  • Multiple question type options (multiple-choice, Likert scale, ranking and narrative response)
  • Tables and graphs clearly display comparative analysis between courses or departments
  • Track response rate while the survey is still open, in real-time
  • E-mail interface automatically delivers reminders to those who have not completed their surveys
  • Courses with multiple instructors can be surveyed using a single form
  • Academic Administrators (department chairs, deans) - evaluate faculty performance of all faculty, specific faculty, overall for all course sections as well as a comparative analysis of an individual faculty member to all faculty members within the department.
  • Executive Staff (provost, chancellor) - evaluate aggregated data across all schools and departments

Tips for Students

All course evaluations are completely anonymous and instructors cannot view the results until after grades are submitted.  Also, in order to stop receiving reminder emails about evaluations you must complete the evaluation.

Related Help Articles for Faculty and Staff

Anthology Course Evaluations, about Anthology Course Evaluations, what is Anthology Course Evaluations, what's Anthology Course Evaluations, how to use Anthology Course Evaluations, eval, survey, evaluations 
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Fred R. in Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville