Blackboard (Faculty) - Course Quotas

This document describes space limitations in Blackboard.

Blackboard courses have a 2 GB limit. 

To avoid avoid running out of course space, ITS recommends taking the following steps:
  • Store larger files, especially video and audio files, outside of Blackboard and link to them in the course. Videos must be stored in an external location, such as YuJa

  • Reduce the file size of PowerPoint presentations to save on space. Additionally, files can be stored in Microsoft OneDrive, and then linked from within the Blackboard course for student access. OneDrive is a good alternative for large multimedia files (anything over 100 MB).

  • Navigate to Course Content in Blackboard and remove any unused files and folders including items not deployed within the course, duplicate files, and old export folders.
If you have taken the above steps to reduce the course size but are still reaching your file limit, contact the ITS Help Desk to speak with an instructional designer.

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