Blackboard (Faculty) - Turnitin Assignments: Edit a Turnitin Assignment

This document describes how to create a Turnitin assignment.
  1. Navigate to the content area in your Blackboard course where the Turnitin assignment is located (e.g. Coursework).

  2. Click the link to the assignment.
    Edit TurnItIn Assignment

  3. The Assignment Inbox will open. Click on the Settings cog.

    TurnItIn Settings Cog

  4. You will be able to change the Start Date, Feedback Release Date and the Optional Settings here.

    You will NOT be able to change the title of the assignment, the grade or the due date in the Turnitin Settings. However, you can change them through the Edit option on the Web Link. See below for more information. 


  5. Click the Submit button to finalize changes made to the Turnitin assignment.

Change Title, Max Grade, Instructions, and Due Date

1. To change these settings, click on the drop-down arrow next to the link. Click Edit from the menu.

2. Change the Name, Points Possible (Max Grade), Due Date, and Instructions here.

Change settings
DO NOT set the Date and Time Restrictions (Display After and Display Until) dates here.
Do not set date restrictions here
3. Click Submit at the bottom of the page.

blackboard, black board, bb, turnitin, turnitin assignment, turnitin paper, peer mark, peermark, grademark, grade mark, turn it in 
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