Blackboard (Faculty) - Tests, Surveys, and Pools: Test Settings-Showing Feedback
Faculty have a choice of what answers and feedback they wish for their students to see. The following will show the settings in the "Edit Test Options" view and what the student sees with those settings.
Settings: Score Per Question
Student's View:
Shows just the question and points received.
Settings: Score Per Question and All Answers
Student's View:
Shows all the answers, but not the correct or incorrect answers.
Settings: Score per Question, All Answers, and Correct Answer
Student's View:
This view shows the correct answer with a green check mark icon. It does not show what answer the student chose.
Settings: Score per Question, All Answers, Correct Answer, and Submitted (selected) Answer
Student's View:
This view shows what answer the student chose. The green check mark icon indicates the student selected the correct answer. A red "x" icon indicated the answer the student chose is wrong.
Settings: Score per Question, All Answers, Correct Answer, Submitted Answer, and Feedback

Student's View:
This view shows the question's feedback. If this assessment is to be used as a learning tool, feedback will assist the student in finding the correct answer.
Settings: Score per Question, All Answers, Correct Answer, Submitted Answer, Feedback, and Show Incorrect Questions
Student's View:
This view shows a larger icon for correct and incorrect answers.
Settings: No check boxes
Student's View:
When all boxes are unchecked. Students will still see their score out of possible points.
Student Preview
Once a setting has been selected, it is critical that faculty use the Student Preview option to verify that the settings are indeed what they expect their students to see.
2. Take the test/quiz. View the results from "My Grades."
3. Click the Exit Preview button. If the results are what you expect, select the "Delete the preview user and all data."
To adjust the settings, select the "Keep the preview user and all data." This setting will keep the test attempt. When you adjust the setting, you will return to the Student Preview mode and view the results from the "My Grades."
See Also
- Blackboard (Faculty) - Tests, Surveys, and Pools: Create a Test or Survey
- Blackboard (Faculty) - Tests, Surveys, and Pools: Edit Test Options and Questions
- Blackboard (Faculty) - Tests, Surveys, and Pools: Grade a Test
- Blackboard (Faculty) - Tests, Surveys, and Pools: Test Information
- Blackboard (Faculty) - Tests, Surveys, and Pools: Resolve Issues with a Test
- Blackboard (Faculty) - Tests, Surveys, and Pools: Run an Item Analysis on a Test
- Blackboard (Faculty) - Tests, Surveys, and Pools: Export / Import Tests
- Blackboard (Faculty) - Tests, Surveys, and Pools: Create a Pool
- Blackboard (Faculty) - Tests, Surveys, and Pools: Random Blocks
- Blackboard (Faculty) - Tests, Surveys, and Pools: Test Availability Exception/Extended Time