Blackboard (Faculty) - Tests, Surveys, and Pools: Random Blocks

This document provides an overview of random blocks.

Random Blocks are used in tests to ensure the students receive different versions of the test.  A test may be set up to use 10 questions out of a block of 50 questions. Each student receives 10 questions the questions are different for each student. It is one method recommended to deter cheating.

Before You Begin

  • Unlike question sets, random blocks draw questions from pools only. You can use more than one pool to draw your questions from.
  • You cannot add a random block of questions from another test or survey, only from a pool.
  • You cannot include a random block in a survey.
  • You can have more than one random block, choosing questions from different pools, within a single test.

Create a Random Block in a Test

If you have not already created a pool, see the instructions for Create A Pool.

  1. Create or access a test.

  2. On the Test Canvas, click on  Reuse Question then click Create Random Block to begin searching for questions.

  3. In the Create Random Block pop-up window, select the checkboxes for one or more pools.

  4. Select the check box for at least one question type to include in the test.

  5. Select the check box for Question Types. All questions that meet the criteria appear on the right side of the pop-up window.

    Note: Your pool questions must contain similar types of questions (multiple choice & true/false). Creating a random block with mixed-difficulty questions, such as multiple choice and essay, will give one student a more difficult question (essay) than another student. If you wish to give each student a different essay question, create a Random Block with only essay questions.

    Select Random Block questions

  6. Click Submit. The Test Canvas appears and displays a success message. A random block of questions is added to the test.

  7. Click the Number of Questions to display field to access the pop-up box and type the number of questions to display to students. Use a number less than the total number of questions to be sure that different questions are presented each time the test is accessed. Click Submit.

    Select number of Random Block Questions

  8. Click the Points per question field to access the pop-up box. Type a point value per question. This point value is assigned to each question in the random block. You cannot assign separate point values for individual questions in the same random block. Therefore, you may want to only include questions of approximately the same difficulty.

Note: You cannot delete questions within a random block. If you don’t want a question to be included in your random block, remove it from the pool it appears in.

Keywordsblackboard, black board, bb, test, tests, pool, pools, random blocks   Doc ID56979
OwnerCenter I.GroupSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
Created2015-10-02 10:59:18Updated2024-10-15 15:05:52
SitesSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
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